shoopard: IMG_2409ME Pison sp. wasp with white spider
shoopard: IMG_0809ME Wasp
shoopard: IMG_0815ME Wasp
shoopard: IMG_0823ME Wasp
shoopard: IMG_0836ME Wasp
shoopard: IMG_0837ME Wasp
shoopard: IMG_2197ME Wasp
shoopard: IMG_2220ME Wasp
shoopard: IMG_2234ME Wasp
shoopard: IMG_2223ME Wasp: Pison sp.
shoopard: IMG_0855ME Spider wasp
shoopard: IMG_0807ME Wasp
shoopard: IMG_0752ME Wasp: with prey
shoopard: 225A6814ME Native Bee: Euryglossina
shoopard: 225A6816ME Native Bee: Euryglossina
shoopard: 225A6829ME Native Bee: Euryglossina
shoopard: 225A6821ME Native Bee: Euryglossina
shoopard: 225A6830ME Native Bee: Euryglossina
shoopard: IMG_0902 Wasp: Gasteruptiidae (slowed down)
shoopard: IMG_0922 Wasp: Gasteruptiidae
shoopard: Native bees : Megachile sp.
shoopard: 225A5441ME Native Bee: Megachile oblonga
shoopard: 225A5424ME Native Bee: Megachile oblonga
shoopard: 225A8482ME Native bee: Hylaeus sp.checking out my bee hotels
shoopard: 225A8483ME Native bee: Hylaeus sp.checking out my bee hotels
shoopard: Video: Megachile sp. female trying to evict another female from her nesting hole in my bee hotel .
shoopard: IMG_4049ME Megachile sp. with resin and particles to cap off her hole
shoopard: IMG_4048ME Megachile sp. with resin and particles to cap off her hole
shoopard: IMG_4025ME Megachile sp. with resin and particles to cap off her hole
shoopard: IMG_4017ME Megachile sp. with resin and particles to cap off her hole