Kerri9494: lcrl arrives to rehearsal dinner
Kerri9494: Robert & Tyler
Kerri9494: lcrl & ian at rehearsal
Kerri9494: dan & lcrl at rehearsal
Kerri9494: dan & lcrl at rehearsal
Kerri9494: rehearsal_6
Kerri9494: Tyler gives a toast
Kerri9494: Tyler toasts Michelle
Kerri9494: Michelle at rehearsal
Kerri9494: So artsy.
Kerri9494: Mrs lcrl
Kerri9494: EEK! A MOM!
Kerri9494: Hotel game controller
Kerri9494: kids
Kerri9494: penguins all in a row
Kerri9494: They really do
Kerri9494: They really do
Kerri9494: He was just holding it for me, honest.
Kerri9494: manfire, Barb, and Mr. & Mrs. Andrew
Kerri9494: Barbara looking hot
Kerri9494: Manfire looking handsome
Kerri9494: wedding cupcakes
Kerri9494: Awww
Kerri9494: Boogie
Kerri9494: Boogie
Kerri9494: Joe & Rich. And the balloon.
Kerri9494: Eb & Barbara