kerolic: Rice terrace at dawn
kerolic: Grey monkey
kerolic: Grey monkey
kerolic: Grey monkey
kerolic: Up in the air (on the ground)
kerolic: Up in the air (on the ground)
kerolic: Up in the air (on the ground)
kerolic: Up in the air (on the ground)
kerolic: Up in the air (on the ground)
kerolic: Mountain stars
kerolic: Mountain stars
kerolic: Mountain stars
kerolic: Mountain stars
kerolic: Volcano spring
kerolic: Volcano crater
kerolic: Up in the air (on the ground)
kerolic: Up in the air (on the ground)
kerolic: Crater lake
kerolic: Gunung Agung, Bali
kerolic: Crater lake
kerolic: Dusk on Lombok
kerolic: Milkay way on top of Gunung Rinjani
kerolic: Star trails
kerolic: Sunrise on Gunung Rinjani
kerolic: Floating tree
kerolic: Lombok traffic jam