Kern County Library:
Lorraine Noble
Kern County Library:
Eleanor Wilson
Kern County Library:
Class of 1908
Kern County Library:
Kern County Library:
Earl Warren
Kern County Library:
Jessie Benton Fremont
Kern County Library:
The Ming Family
Kern County Library:
Rose Station Partners
Kern County Library:
Pleasant Martin
Kern County Library:
Marie Beale
Kern County Library:
Judge C.C. Hamilton
Kern County Library:
Sara Everett Bedinger
Kern County Library:
Myron E. Harmon
Kern County Library:
Col. Oliver Hyde
Kern County Library:
Dr. Lewis Stiles Rogers
Kern County Library:
Orville Lee Clark
Kern County Library:
The Kern Guards
Kern County Library:
Stephen Miranda
Kern County Library:
George A. Tiffany
Kern County Library:
Horace Bristol
Kern County Library:
Guy Hughes
Kern County Library:
Robert Seybert
Kern County Library:
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gardett
Kern County Library:
Kiwanis Club Oildale
Kern County Library:
Stony Brook Retreat
Kern County Library:
Tree Dedication
Kern County Library:
Sod Busting Rite
Kern County Library:
Hildegrade Hawthrone
Kern County Library:
Kern County Library:
National Library Week Annual Dinner