Anni Becker:
a ridiculously awesome amount of birthday wishes on good ol facebook
Anni Becker:
the most delicious coffee in the universe. good way to start my birthday.
Anni Becker:
Our henna'd waitress
Anni Becker:
a present from Kelly. Thank you Kelly Beans!
Anni Becker:
best. breakfast place. ever. Beaterville Cafe, look em up!
Anni Becker:
The Matador. HEAVEN.... (I added bacon) :-)
Anni Becker:
you know, for that extra minty fresh feeling. (model: Kelly)
Anni Becker:
the lovely Polish box Kelly gave me. (I have a thing for collecting containers) :-)
Anni Becker:
I would love as many people as possible, take as many photographs as possible ... wait... ;-)
Anni Becker:
my birthday Mexican hot chocolate. good.
Anni Becker:
Happy Birthday to me!
Anni Becker:
my AMAZING breakfast
Anni Becker:
a little girl next to our table helped me blow out my candle. So cute!!!
Anni Becker:
Kelly's first bite
Anni Becker:
a car planter... SO COOL!
Anni Becker:
a flower "bed" Ha ha ha....
Anni Becker:
Dinner at Kathy's...
Anni Becker:
vintage handbag from Erin
Anni Becker:
a peony
Anni Becker:
the beginnings of a very delicious salad
Anni Becker:
oh dear god. this olive bread was toasted with amazingness
Anni Becker:
juicy yummy fruit salad
Anni Becker:
my little sister's adorable friend Lindsay and my little sis, Kayli
Anni Becker:
me and Kathy
Anni Becker:
Anni Becker:
Tom and I... that man is TALL!
Anni Becker:
Mushroom chicken, wild rice and salad... soooo good
Anni Becker:
my cake.... strawberry with custard and whipped cream frosting w/ white chocolate shavings. Me in cake form!
Anni Becker:
Kayli, my baby sis
Anni Becker:
Little Miss Molly