Keris Tuah: ...stands proudly
Keris Tuah: ... stealing | most popular painting around Penang
Keris Tuah: ...sparkling apple
Keris Tuah: .... hang on
Keris Tuah: ... Ridzuan Troy in action
Keris Tuah: ... the photographer
Keris Tuah:
Keris Tuah: My creation
Keris Tuah: My creation
Keris Tuah: Sahabatku
Keris Tuah: Lonely Sunset
Keris Tuah: This is my style.....jump
Keris Tuah: Dare to Fail
Keris Tuah: Loneliness
Keris Tuah: Hi....Nice to meet you
Keris Tuah: Lok Kawi Wildlife Sabah
Keris Tuah: The Face behind the Hand
Keris Tuah: Landscape in the bubbles
Keris Tuah: Jumper 2
Keris Tuah: ... the Photographer (Color)