kenyee: badaling gate
kenyee: eric and zim at the gate
kenyee: base tower
kenyee: steep stairway
kenyee: hazy towers
kenyee: base tower flag
kenyee: up into the haze
kenyee: across the valley
kenyee: eric at the base
kenyee: base level village
kenyee: umbrella at tower 2
kenyee: distant tower
kenyee: 2nd tower lookback
kenyee: hillside pagoda
kenyee: sunshade
kenyee: chad versus the wall
kenyee: chad and eric take a rest
kenyee: eric takes a seat
kenyee: chad is victorious
kenyee: monkey chad
kenyee: jumping for joy
kenyee: gazing into the distance
kenyee: zig zag stairs
kenyee: fading hills
kenyee: scenic lookout
kenyee: home stretch
kenyee: walltop security
kenyee: view from the top