kenyee: pike's place sign
kenyee: pigeon and crow
kenyee: public market
kenyee: pike's place florists
kenyee: rearranging produce
kenyee: MONKFISH!
kenyee: porcine
kenyee: dungeness!
kenyee: sequin head
kenyee: salmon tossing
kenyee: king salmon
kenyee: golden gehry
kenyee: emp tram
kenyee: emp and metallic croissant
kenyee: space needle and sculpture
kenyee: refracted needle
kenyee: space needle vs. reflection
kenyee: gehry in blue
kenyee: silver curve
kenyee: needle and platforms
kenyee: empty ferris wheel
kenyee: seattle fields
kenyee: the sound
kenyee: distant mountains
kenyee: emp from above
kenyee: tramline
kenyee: sculpture is a series of tubes
kenyee: symmetrics
kenyee: photo finish
kenyee: the turn