Ken Wolf: Place de la Concorde with the Arc de Triomphe in the background
Ken Wolf: Along the Seine
Ken Wolf: Some "sweetheart" locks on Pont des Arts
Ken Wolf: Pont des Arts
Ken Wolf: House boats on the Seine
Ken Wolf: Typical vendor's stall along the Seine
Ken Wolf: Parisian Girl
Ken Wolf: Notre Dame
Ken Wolf: Souvenir row across from Notre Dame
Ken Wolf: Having fun at Notre Dame
Ken Wolf: Charlemagne
Ken Wolf: Notre Dame window
Ken Wolf: Notre Dame stained glass
Ken Wolf: Notre Dame service
Ken Wolf: Notre Dame window
Ken Wolf: Notre Dame nave
Ken Wolf: Outside detail at Notre Dame
Ken Wolf: Devil on Notre Dame's facade
Ken Wolf: Notre Dame from the east
Ken Wolf: Resting at Notre Dame
Ken Wolf: The view from our room
Ken Wolf: The line to enter the Louvre
Ken Wolf: Hammurabi's Code
Ken Wolf: Venus de Milo
Ken Wolf: Winged Victory of Samothrace
Ken Wolf: Mona Lisa
Ken Wolf: The crowd to see Mona Lisa
Ken Wolf: Emperor's quarters in the Louvre
Ken Wolf: Chandelier in Royal quarters
Ken Wolf: Sitting room