Ken Wolf: Mary Anne and Cynthia
Ken Wolf: Doris, Mary Anne, and Me
Ken Wolf: Scott's back yard
Ken Wolf: Back yard bird sanctuary
Ken Wolf: Doris and Jan preparing the table
Ken Wolf: Newly constructed deck
Ken Wolf: The side yard
Ken Wolf: Near Scott's office
Ken Wolf: Side yard
Ken Wolf: Jan, cooking our dinner
Ken Wolf: Mary Anne and Scott relax before dinner
Ken Wolf: Mary Anne, with Julia
Ken Wolf: Waiting for cake
Ken Wolf: Aundrea---"forever blowing bubbles"
Ken Wolf: More bubbles
Ken Wolf: Bubble blower
Ken Wolf: Alejandro (L) joins Julia, Thomas, and friends
Ken Wolf: Cynthia
Ken Wolf: Mural in downtown Albuquerque
Ken Wolf: Church mural
Ken Wolf: Church mural close-up
Ken Wolf: Drug store mural
Ken Wolf: Train on the plain