Ken Wolf: Our boat awaits us.
Ken Wolf: On the river, heading for the falls.
Ken Wolf: A flimsy rain poncho helps.
Ken Wolf: The U.S. Falls; Bridal Falls to the right.
Ken Wolf: Canada's Horseshoe Falls
Ken Wolf: On the way back from our boat trip.
Ken Wolf: On the look out over the U.S. Falls.
Ken Wolf: Julie and me.
Ken Wolf: Julie, with Canada in the background.
Ken Wolf: U.S. Falls from Canada.
Ken Wolf: Horseshoe Falls
Ken Wolf: American Falls
Ken Wolf: Me and Julie with American Falls in background.
Ken Wolf: A Maid of the Mist boat
Ken Wolf: Julie at Horseshoe Falls
Ken Wolf: Horseshoe Falls
Ken Wolf: Niagara River
Ken Wolf: View of Niagara River
Ken Wolf: Niagara river
Ken Wolf: On the way to Niagara On The Lake
Ken Wolf: Julie, at the vines.
Ken Wolf: Inniskillen grapes
Ken Wolf: Jackson-Trigg
Ken Wolf: Grapes
Ken Wolf: Fans to circulate lake-warmed air
Ken Wolf: Vinyards
Ken Wolf: Wine making at Jackson-Trigg
Ken Wolf: Aging barrells at Jackson Trigg
Ken Wolf: Jackson-Trigg Winery