Ken Wolf: Beer Can House
Ken Wolf: The Beer Can House will be maintained as a tourist attraction by a local preservation association.
Ken Wolf: Texas Pride seems to have been the beer of choice.
Ken Wolf: The mail box is encased in beer cans.
Ken Wolf: Can tops make an interesting fence.
Ken Wolf: No part of the can goes to waste.
Ken Wolf: The Orange Show
Ken Wolf: The premises were filled with signs like this one.
Ken Wolf: Almost a carnival-like atmosphere.
Ken Wolf: Figures like this were also found all around.
Ken Wolf: A health message was never far away.
Ken Wolf: The message about oranges was never more than a step away.
Ken Wolf: Among the cautionary signs were ones that said, "Be Careful," "Watch Your Step," and "No Smoking."
Ken Wolf: Overview.
Ken Wolf: Apparently, there used to be shows in this arena since there were bleachers on two sides.
Ken Wolf: More.
Ken Wolf: The Flower House
Ken Wolf: Clearly a piece of art.
Ken Wolf: Dirty old man?
Ken Wolf: M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E
Ken Wolf: What to make of all this?