Ken Whytock: Educational postcard: "Professional Judgement Training Needed for Teachers"
Ken Whytock: Educational postcard: "Stay Focused on the Standards"
Ken Whytock: Educational postcard: "Grades should be referenced"
Ken Whytock: Educational postcard: "A grade should only measure achievement"
Ken Whytock: Educational Postcard: "Results should be weighted to reflect expectations"
Ken Whytock: Educational Postcard: "Information about grading should be communicated"
Ken Whytock: Educational Postcard: "How can you prepare students for the future if you are stuck in the past?"
Ken Whytock: Educational Postcard: "We haven't taught it right"
Ken Whytock: Educational postcard: "Classrooms should be error filled"
Ken Whytock: PowerPoint Slide: "Teachers meeting regularly..."
Ken Whytock: Powerpoint Slide: "The power of formative assessment"
Ken Whytock: Powerpoint Slide: "Have clear learning intentions"
Ken Whytock: Education postcard: "Triangulation of assessments"
Ken Whytock: Educational Postcard: "To truly assess work, teachers cannot deduct marks for late work"
Ken Whytock: Educational Postcard: "Ways to eliminate late work from students"
Ken Whytock: Education Postcard: "Rubric? I don't know rubrics."
Ken Whytock: Education Postcard: "Diagnostic? I never mark the diagnostic."
Ken Whytock: PowerPoint Slide12: '"Consider This..." series - If university does it, so can high school'
Ken Whytock: PowerPoint Slide10: '"Consider This..." series - Learn in a style that suits you'
Ken Whytock: PowerPoint Slide9: '"Consider This..." series - If at first you don't succeed, try again'
Ken Whytock: PowerPoint Slide8: '"Consider This..." series - Keeping practising until you are ready to be assessed'
Ken Whytock: PowerPoint Slide7: '"Consider This..." series - Don't memorize; apply and transfer knowlege'
Ken Whytock: PowerPoint Slide6: '"Consider This..." series - There is no stigma to failing a diagnostic'
Ken Whytock: PowerPoint Slide5: '"Consider This..." series - Precise instruction tailored to your needs'
Ken Whytock: PowerPoint Slide4: '"Consider This..." series - We want mastery learning'
Ken Whytock: PowerPoint Slide3: '"Consider This..." series - Pretesting helps to acquire basic understanding'
Ken Whytock: PowerPoint Slide2: '"Consider This..." series - Practice as often as you like'
Ken Whytock: PowerPoint Slide1: '"Consider This..." series - Follow the lead of U of G'
Ken Whytock: PowerPoint Slide 11: '"Consider This..." series - 80% = 100%'
Ken Whytock: Educational Postcard: "School awards don't motivate students"