GrahamParryWildlife: Common Blue Damselfly (Enallagma cyathigerum)
GrahamParryWildlife: Glossy Ibis in the wild
GrahamParryWildlife: Glossy Ibis Pett Rye East Sussex
GrahamParryWildlife: Glossy Ibis Pett Rye East Sussex
GrahamParryWildlife: Little egret ( Small White Heron)
GrahamParryWildlife: Glossy Ibis East Sussex
GrahamParryWildlife: Glossy Ibis
GrahamParryWildlife: Iceland Gull (Juvenile ) Larus glaucoides . Thanks for the ID mick !
GrahamParryWildlife: The Iceland gull (Larus glaucoides) in first winter plumage
GrahamParryWildlife: Iceland Gull (Juvenile ) Larus glaucoides Dungeness NNR
GrahamParryWildlife: Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus) Dungeness RSPB.