Kent Johnson:
Kaoru Matsumoto (Japan) 2014 "a premonition of wind" XI
Kent Johnson:
Wang Shugang (China) "men playing with birds" (2012), Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi 2014.
Kent Johnson:
Surfers off Tamarama beach at sunset.
Kent Johnson:
Alejandro Propato (Argentina)2014 "permanent sunrise"Sculpture by the Sea 2014
Kent Johnson:
Silhouette of people and sculptures.
Kent Johnson:
Julie Donnelly, Sentinals, Sculpture by the Sea 2014
Kent Johnson:
Koichi Ishino wind stone, Sculpture by the Sea 2014
Kent Johnson:
On a cliff edge + Save Our Souls - Sculpture SxS
Kent Johnson:
Mano Ponnambalam, repetitive structures, Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi 2015
Kent Johnson:
Gillie Schattner, flying fish, Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi 2015
Kent Johnson:
Caitlin Roseby, half gate, Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi 2015.