kent.c: Skull head
kent.c: Blue Angel
kent.c: Looking up
kent.c: Listen to this wall.
kent.c: kioek
kent.c: Tats Cru
kent.c: Homies!
kent.c: Phoenix Origami
kent.c: King and Queen
kent.c: Neeny Maria
kent.c: Claskic
kent.c: Aztec
kent.c: Beats
kent.c: Jazzy
kent.c: Bill Murray
kent.c: Chillin' in the Golden State
kent.c: Look Away
kent.c: Heh
kent.c: Hah
kent.c: Scrooge mcduck
kent.c: Hello phoning YOU!
kent.c: Homies
kent.c: Stanley Donwood - Hollywood