cooler than h2o: IMG_2556 wide view
cooler than h2o: IMG_2557 wide view2
cooler than h2o: IMG_2560 Troy Jody Marilyn
cooler than h2o: IMG_2564 Marlice Ken Linda Judy
cooler than h2o: IMG_2566 Art and Pinky
cooler than h2o: IMG_2568 Karen Kelly Bob and Gloria
cooler than h2o: IMG_2591 Dad and Nina
cooler than h2o: IMG_2592 Dad and Ray
cooler than h2o: IMG_2575 Terri
cooler than h2o: IMG_2576 Kelly and Roses sister
cooler than h2o: IMG_2580 Cindy and group
cooler than h2o: IMG_2582 Linda Troy Jody Gloria Bob Cindy
cooler than h2o: IMG_2581 Gwen with Nina
cooler than h2o: IMG_2584 Ken with Nina
cooler than h2o: IMG_2586 Nina Gwen Julia Cindy
cooler than h2o: IMG_2588 Ken Pinky Kelly Jim
cooler than h2o: IMG_2590 Dad Mac and Ken
cooler than h2o: IMG_2614 Dad Art and Marlice
cooler than h2o: IMG_2615 Gwen Nina Jody Troy
cooler than h2o: IMG_2593 Ken and Kathlee
cooler than h2o: IMG_2598 Kelly Pinky and Judy
cooler than h2o: IMG_2599 Art Kelly Pinky Jim
cooler than h2o: IMG_2601 Dick
cooler than h2o: IMG_2602 Cindy and Marilyn
cooler than h2o: IMG_2604 Ron Kathlee and Kelly
cooler than h2o: IMG_2606 Karen friend Sandy
cooler than h2o: IMG_2605 Dad and Art
cooler than h2o: IMG_2610 Pinky Judy Jim Ken
cooler than h2o: IMG_2609 Ken Karen and friends
cooler than h2o: IMG_2612 Gwen Jody Nina Julia Marlice