ken ratcliff: announcing plans
ken ratcliff: keeping everyone in the loop
ken ratcliff: cheep! cheep!
ken ratcliff: almost here!
ken ratcliff: The birds like it here!
ken ratcliff: the "chapel"
ken ratcliff: a front door welcome
ken ratcliff: Come one, come all
ken ratcliff: Welcome, all!
ken ratcliff: How many cousins does it take to put together an oven omelette?
ken ratcliff: "A bag for me?"
ken ratcliff: The grandkids are gonna love it!
ken ratcliff: Proof: she did some dishes!
ken ratcliff: "You can't put the milk carton on the table! Mom would never allow it!"
ken ratcliff: Time to mix the salad
ken ratcliff: Ruth stirs in the chicken
ken ratcliff: Don't forget the Minnesota wild rice
ken ratcliff: A fall feast
ken ratcliff: Who left the margarine container on the table?
ken ratcliff: What is she handing out this time?
ken ratcliff: Whose team are YOU on?
ken ratcliff: testing our bird knowledge
ken ratcliff: cardinal, of course!
ken ratcliff: our ever-evolving bird names
ken ratcliff: will we ever forget the pink robin?
ken ratcliff: who will get picked?
ken ratcliff: "No, it wasn't that cold...."
ken ratcliff: Touring the garden
ken ratcliff: Still some blossoms
ken ratcliff: Sweet together!