Kenray44: Sambus buolianae
Kenray44: Bumbelbee takeoff
Kenray44: Taken in Rinteln, by the English School. Rothalsbock mänlich L_stictoleptura rubra En. Longhorn Beetle
Kenray44: Bumble bee
Kenray44: Grashüpfe, Lat_ Chorthippus parallelus, Grashopper
Kenray44: Gelbe Mord Fliege, Laphria flava
Kenray44: Heavily laden
Kenray44: Busy Bumble Bee
Kenray44: Bumble Bee at work
Kenray44: Poppy and a Bumble Bee.
Kenray44: Tagpfauenauge Raupen, European Peacock Butterfly caterpillars
Kenray44: Brauner Waldvogel-Aphantopus hyperanthus- Ringlet
Kenray44: Small Heath Butterfly - Kleiner Wiesenvögelchen Schmetterling
Kenray44: Cinnabar Moth - Tyria jacobaeae - Jakobstkrautbär
Kenray44: Speckled Wood - DE_Waldbrettspiel
Kenray44: Common Blue - Polyommatus icarus - Hauhechel-Bläuling
Kenray44: Red Admiral butterfly
Kenray44: Female Chalkhill blue - Weiblicher Silbergruner Bläuling
Kenray44: Common Darter in Flight
Kenray44: Black-tailed skimmer in flight