kw2p: Summers day on the farm
kw2p: Blue Doors @ General Stores. Office No. 59
kw2p: Shaddows
kw2p: Edward VII 1907 Gold Half-Sovereign
kw2p: Subconjuntival Haemorrage
kw2p: The Shadow
kw2p: where did that Kingfisher go?
kw2p: Moon - Waxing Gibbous
kw2p: Supermoon
kw2p: Waxing Crecent Moon
kw2p: Moon - Waxing Gibbous phase
kw2p: Quick Scottish Breakfast for one
kw2p: 10 Capstan Navy Cut Cigaratte box
kw2p: Watch those sparks!
kw2p: Let the sparks fly
kw2p: Break time in the sky
kw2p: Burning wood, embers and flames
kw2p: F.A. Cup Centenary 1872-1972 coin collection from ESSO
kw2p: The Titans comic poster (reprint) circa 1975
kw2p: ESSO 1970 World Cup Coin Collection.
kw2p: Waxing Gibbous Moon - one evening before the 'Blue Moon'
kw2p: Waning Gibbous Moon in early morning sunlight
kw2p: Waning Gibbous Moon
kw2p: Our Sun showing through the early morning mist
kw2p: Moon shot
kw2p: A slice of Victoria sponge
kw2p: Lemon Drizzle Cake
kw2p: Corgi Tramlines Double Deck Closed Top Tram
kw2p: Corgi Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
kw2p: Kodak six-20 Folding Brownie