Kenny Tan YK: Stanford in Summer
Kenny Tan YK: Stanford Graduate School of Business
Kenny Tan YK: Stanford's Arches
Kenny Tan YK: Escondido Village
Kenny Tan YK: Summer Sun
Kenny Tan YK: Block 69
Kenny Tan YK: Through the Branches
Kenny Tan YK: Bird Amidst Branches
Kenny Tan YK: Looking at You
Kenny Tan YK: Gifts for a furry neighbour
Kenny Tan YK: Stanford Dish in Summer
Kenny Tan YK: Stanford Dish
Kenny Tan YK: Sun sets over the Dish
Kenny Tan YK: Dance of the Dryads
Kenny Tan YK: Solitary
Kenny Tan YK: Bluebird
Kenny Tan YK: Sparrow
Kenny Tan YK: Moon over Trees
Kenny Tan YK: The Harvest Moon
Kenny Tan YK: Fireworks over Escondido Village
Kenny Tan YK: Fireworks over Escondido Village
Kenny Tan YK: Limelight
Kenny Tan YK: A Wet, Autumn Morning
Kenny Tan YK: Newcomers
Kenny Tan YK: Spring Comes to Stanford
Kenny Tan YK: A Cardinal Moon
Kenny Tan YK: A Cardinal Moon II