Kenny MacLeod: Ordovician dolostone
Kenny MacLeod: Chert boudin in ordovocian dolostone
Kenny MacLeod: Ordovician dolostone
Kenny MacLeod: Marble interior in ordovician dolostone
Kenny MacLeod: Ordovician dolostone
Kenny MacLeod: Rubble heap from marble quarry, Beinn na Caillich in the distance.
Kenny MacLeod: The Black Cuillin in the mist
Kenny MacLeod: Granite
Kenny MacLeod: Contact between dolostone (the wooded area) and the granite (bog)
Kenny MacLeod: One of many sinkholes along the dolostone contact
Kenny MacLeod: The Black Cuillin
Kenny MacLeod: Contact between dolostone on the left, granite on the right
Kenny MacLeod: Fly Agaric toadstools
Kenny MacLeod: Dolorite sill sitting on ordovician dolostone
Kenny MacLeod: Dolorite sill sitting on ordovician dolostone
Kenny MacLeod: Dolorite sill sitting on ordovician dolostone
Kenny MacLeod: Ordovician dolostone
Kenny MacLeod: Dolorite dyke cutting dolostone
Kenny MacLeod: Weathered rim on sample of dolorite dyke
Kenny MacLeod: Impressive outcrop of ordovician dolostone
Kenny MacLeod: Granite moorland. Hard going.
Kenny MacLeod: Signatures
Kenny MacLeod: Loch Lonachan
Kenny MacLeod: Ordovician dolostone, Lonachan member
Kenny MacLeod: Ordovician dolostone, Lonachan member
Kenny MacLeod: Heavily boudinaged ordovician dolostone