Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: jerusha makes friends with cecil
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: shanyn and jenny and harpo
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: erin and shanyn and harpo
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: james loves attention
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: over the shoulder rex
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: nikki and harpo and karen
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: cal poly cat program volunteers
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: cal poly cat volunteers2
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: Harpo and his magic whiskers
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: Harpo and his magic whisters
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: Cats in the Courtyard
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: Cats in the Courtyard