Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: The Art of Eating (Serve It Forth)
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: Crop Science Crop Science Crop Science
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: One for the hog farmers (well, three for the hog farmers)
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: Encyclopedia of Cookery
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: Horizon Cookbook (Jane Goodall)
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: Colonial Days and Dames (The Birth of a Nation)
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: Apple Pie and Enchiladas (!!)
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: Puritan's Progress (A Vanishing Landscape)
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: What They Say in New England (A Treasury of New England Folklore)
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: Human Food Issues (Food and Social Order)
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: Planters and Pioneers (Here Lies Virginia)