Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: The blue tape shows where the new coffee stand will be
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: All of this is being cleared out.
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: This purple wall's days are numbered.
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: These stairs are closed
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: Not exactly a red carpet
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: Temporary chair storage
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: 5th floor in transition
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: 5th Floor temporarily void of study tables
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: Empty shelves wait to moved
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: Getting rid of the Red Carpet
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: Moving chairs up to the 5th floor
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: a temporary reflection on emptiness
Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly: looking through to the empty 2nd floor