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House Finch family by Ken Kuhl
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Ken Kuhl
House Finch eggs
Ken Kuhl
House Finch nest and eggs
Ken Kuhl
Mother House Finch sitting on her eggs
Ken Kuhl
First photo of House Finch hatchlings
Ken Kuhl
The two baby House Finches are on the right. The young bird that came from the spotted egg is on the left. The unhatched House Finch egg is top-left.
Ken Kuhl
House Finch young and squatter
Ken Kuhl
House Finch young and squatter
Ken Kuhl
Hungry stranger and House Finches
Ken Kuhl
House Finch young and squatter
Ken Kuhl
Female House Finch
Ken Kuhl
Female House Finch
Ken Kuhl
Male House Finch
Ken Kuhl
Male House Finch
Ken Kuhl
Male House Finch
Ken Kuhl
Father House Finch
Ken Kuhl
The young House Finches (4/28)
Ken Kuhl
The young House Finches (4/28)
Ken Kuhl
Young House Finches (April 29)
Ken Kuhl
House Finch Fledglings
Ken Kuhl
About to fly...
Ken Kuhl
Down to one...