Kenneth Koh:
Sunrise on the Summit of Mt. Kinabalu
Kenneth Koh:
Descending Mt. Kinabalu
Kenneth Koh:
Kapalai Island Resort
Kenneth Koh:
Read the Sign
Kenneth Koh:
Diving off the Mabul 'Oil Rig'
Kenneth Koh:
Diving Below the Oil Rig
Kenneth Koh:
Poking in the Sand
Kenneth Koh:
Kenneth Koh:
Registering to Dive Sipadan
Kenneth Koh:
Fish Ball
Kenneth Koh:
Ho Hum... Another Turtle...
Kenneth Koh:
Say "Cheese!"
Kenneth Koh:
WHOA! Barracuda!
Kenneth Koh:
Touch Me Not
Kenneth Koh:
How Many Turtles Can You See?
Kenneth Koh:
Diver in a school of fish
Kenneth Koh:
BBQ Night at Kapalai