.Ken Foto: Niland
.Ken Foto: 99 Cent Store - Niland
.Ken Foto: Closed Diner - Niland, California
.Ken Foto: 99 Cent Store - Niland, Ca
.Ken Foto: Quality Neighborhood
.Ken Foto: Found at Slab City
.Ken Foto: A sunny day at the Range - Slab City
.Ken Foto: The Range - Slab City
.Ken Foto: It's for you.
.Ken Foto: Church of Broken Toys - Slab City
.Ken Foto: Church of Broken Toys - Slab City
.Ken Foto: Shoe Tree - Slab City
.Ken Foto: Salvation Mountain
.Ken Foto: Salvation Mountain
.Ken Foto: Salvation Mountain
.Ken Foto: A Present!
.Ken Foto: Salton Sea Beach
.Ken Foto: Market - Desert Shores
.Ken Foto: Desert Shores
.Ken Foto: Skull - After a Fire
.Ken Foto: Abandoned House