kendyck1: Dagne's Built to Spill
kendyck1: Natasha emerging through the misty forest
kendyck1: Sasha loves ladder bridges- smile Sasha!
kendyck1: Purple, Blue and Green!
kendyck1: Shirley and the pressure of being always present!
kendyck1: Natasha descending like the Red Baron himself.
kendyck1: Smile Dagne- it's so green!
kendyck1: Dagne can't stop grinning on this trail.
kendyck1: Sasha flying through the moss.
kendyck1: Everything is Awesome when you're part of a team!
kendyck1: The log ride show with CK
kendyck1: Manual and twist to exit- the concentration on my face says it all!
kendyck1: Natasha boarding the Lydster log ride.
kendyck1: Natasha - "Phew- made it!"
kendyck1: Making it look easy for the next victim!
kendyck1: Dagne committing to the Lydster log- it was all going so well and then.....
kendyck1: ...and then it all was not going so well-- great bailing technique.
kendyck1: .... bailing still going ok.. but wait that bike is following her down...ow!
kendyck1: Leg may be injured but smile is not!
kendyck1: Take 2 and still a little wobbly!
kendyck1: Seeing the light at the end of the er... log!
kendyck1: New launch on iTrail- time to give CK an adrenalin shot! Awesome!
kendyck1: Shuttle bunnies ready for beer o'çlock!
kendyck1: Another amazing day of riding under the belt with awesome friends!
kendyck1: Karl our chef and wine connoisseur for the night!
kendyck1: Mountain bikers need steak and Chef Karl knows just how they like them!
kendyck1: "Good night Grand Papa- Je t'aime"
kendyck1: It's May on the sunshine coast, the view is amazing so we will sit outside and keep warm somehow.
kendyck1: Lucette - an amazing host and fascinating story teller!
kendyck1: Katelyn- where's my cap?