kendyck1: 3 sisters growing up!
kendyck1: 3 sisters still growing
kendyck1: Hike with Mum & Sis below Box Hill
kendyck1: Hiking Denbies with Gerry
kendyck1: Denbies Walk
kendyck1: Hiking through Denbies vineyard below Box Hill
kendyck1: Denbies Walk
kendyck1: Gorgeous morning walk on the pier at Deal
kendyck1: Fudge at the market
kendyck1: Sun arising at the pier at Deal for a beautiful day.
kendyck1: 30p cigarettes!
kendyck1: 3 sisters phoning home
kendyck1: The real reason Jules comes to Deal!
kendyck1: Night in chatting by the fire--- cozy!
kendyck1: Good morning Deal, under the pier
kendyck1: The Fisherman at Deal pier on a gorgeous morning walk.
kendyck1: Fisherman Deal
kendyck1: Fisherman Deal
kendyck1: Streets are narrow
kendyck1: Ye Olde Sweete Shoppe
kendyck1: Fresh Cod
kendyck1: Sisters cross life's bridges together.
kendyck1: Streets are narrow.
kendyck1: Pub anyone?
kendyck1: Olympic Aquatic Centre
kendyck1: The Olympic Aquatic centre.
kendyck1: Gerry outside the Olympic stadium
kendyck1: Reflections of the Olympic Park
kendyck1: The Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park