kendyck1: Pre Build refreshments and tool packing
kendyck1: NSRide TAP Trail Day gets underway
kendyck1: Bush wacking to start
kendyck1: BEFORE - One day soon the trail will be in that green bush somewhere
kendyck1: Follow the pink wire flags and you will find BC Gold
kendyck1: Rob starting his "hole"
kendyck1: Ken attacking the organic layers
kendyck1: Fil-Shifting dirt with an ever present smile
kendyck1: Fil and Erin- back breaking hauling crew
kendyck1: Martin had prepped the trail entrance and exit for us- fresh!
kendyck1: Rob and James dig dig dig
kendyck1: Pry bar experts moving large rocks with a little help from their friends
kendyck1: More huge rock shifting- always a spectacle!
kendyck1: Canoe portage
kendyck1: Capsize that canoe
kendyck1: Rob's rock challenge getting deeper!
kendyck1: Teetering the huge rock into Rob's huge hole
kendyck1: Prepping the support for a big berm
kendyck1: Ken's rock trhowing precision placement
kendyck1: Erin & Fil McClouding the trail for next steps
kendyck1: Trail entry shaping up
kendyck1: Sponsored by NS Ride Safeways and Different Bikes
kendyck1: Trail exit now cleared of bush
kendyck1: New berm taking shape as the sun drops to light up our Gold
kendyck1: Sweet berms taking shape
kendyck1: Thanks to all our crew and sponsors
kendyck1: Thanks to all our crew and sponsors