kendyck1: Heading to Whistler peak again
kendyck1: Karl & Willem take the easy way to the Alpine
kendyck1: Karl & Willem en route to Whistler peak
kendyck1: Di contemplates the route down from the alpine
kendyck1: Karl ready to ride
kendyck1: Willem takes it all in his stride
kendyck1: Great views to Black Tusk
kendyck1: Black Tusk guides us down
kendyck1: Dropping in to Top of the World in shadow of Black Tusk
kendyck1: Di drops in to Top of The World rocky section 1
kendyck1: Willem, Karl, Di riding on Top of the World
kendyck1: Willem, Karl, Di riding on Top of the World
kendyck1: Willem, Karl, Di riding on Top of the World
kendyck1: Willem & Karl riding towards Black Tusk
kendyck1: Willem, Karl, Di riding on Top of the World
kendyck1: Willem, Karl, Di riding on Top of the World
kendyck1: Willem in the rocky Alpine above Whistler
kendyck1: Karl in the rocky Alpine above Whistler
kendyck1: Di in the rocky Alpine above Whistler
kendyck1: Claire riding high above Whistler