kendyck1: Ben Coed Y Brenin Beast
kendyck1: Is on the Beast
kendyck1: The Beast CYB
kendyck1: Ed on the Beast
kendyck1: Ed makes it look easy
kendyck1: Ken makes it look gnarly
kendyck1: Lee on the Beast
kendyck1: Tom on the Beast
kendyck1: Josh on the Beast
kendyck1: Ben on the Beast
kendyck1: Is not waving this time?
kendyck1: Is put off by the camera again
kendyck1: Pete on the Beast
kendyck1: Tom's magic chain trick
kendyck1: Picnic on The Beast CYB
kendyck1: Josh CYB Forks
kendyck1: Pete CYB Forks
kendyck1: Tom at the Forks
kendyck1: Ed, Is, Lee at the Forks
kendyck1: Ken thru the Forks
kendyck1: Waterfall at Blast powder works
kendyck1: Is must get in the water
kendyck1: Is scrambles to waterfall
kendyck1: Josh at waterfall
kendyck1: Ben at Waterfall
kendyck1: Dinner for 24!
kendyck1: Ben no air please! Llandegla
kendyck1: Ken- some air please! Llandegla
kendyck1: Tom & Ken's trail maintenance course
kendyck1: Look no tools!