kendyck1: Santa.. please stop here!
kendyck1: Biscuit attacks Pappa
kendyck1: Hanging our stockings out
kendyck1: Pappa fights Cal
kendyck1: Writing to Santa
kendyck1: Stockings by the fireplace
kendyck1: Wow look what Santa left me!
kendyck1: Unwrap it quick!
kendyck1: There's more in here!
kendyck1: Spiderboy!
kendyck1: I'm the only present left!
kendyck1: Santa ate his snacks and rudolph did too!
kendyck1: Granny can we open stockings now- 6am
kendyck1: A few presents to open
kendyck1: Hebandz- who am I?
kendyck1: Oh I'm a, I'm a....
kendyck1: Jo and the girls
kendyck1: Hev and Gerry
kendyck1: I love it Daddy
kendyck1: Wow look what I got
kendyck1: Present inspections
kendyck1: Unwrapping race gets started
kendyck1: What's in here?
kendyck1: Heather joins the unwrapping frenzy
kendyck1: Thankyou Aunty Claire
kendyck1: Help Daddy I can't open it fast enough
kendyck1: Ready to dance
kendyck1: Pappa thrilled
kendyck1: More presents for me?
kendyck1: It's your present?!