kendyck1: Thomas leaves the station
kendyck1: Waving our signal flags
kendyck1: Look at the coal boiler and steam
kendyck1: Ella and Cal's house
kendyck1: Ella climbing in the park
kendyck1: Cal scrambles the net
kendyck1: Ella pushes the buttons
kendyck1: Cal driving Thomas
kendyck1: Driving Thomas
kendyck1: Cal turning Thomas
kendyck1: Thomas arrives
kendyck1: Waiting at the station
kendyck1: The Fat controller
kendyck1: Riding on Thomas the Tank engine
kendyck1: There's the tunnel
kendyck1: Here comes Thomas
kendyck1: Cal with Henry's hot steam engine
kendyck1: Ella and Aunty C riding Thomas
kendyck1: Cal riding on Gordon
kendyck1: Ella's Butterfly face
kendyck1: Cal becomes Gordon
kendyck1: Ella Butterfly with Cal Gordon
kendyck1: Cal is Gordon