Solinde: Red jumbo
Solinde: Under a tree
Solinde: Royal Exhibition Building
Solinde: White-eyed
Solinde: Museum guard
Solinde: Totem pole
Solinde: At your service
Solinde: Dusk over Docklands
Solinde: Docklands at night
Solinde: Beautiful tree, Flagstaff Gardens
Solinde: Whereto?
Solinde: Bamboo
Solinde: Unknown flower
Solinde: Royal Botanical Gardens
Solinde: Lord Roberts
Solinde: Squarish tree
Solinde: Long-haired tree
Solinde: Green and hairy
Solinde: Holiday feelings
Solinde: Romantic spot
Solinde: Ornamental lake
Solinde: Out of Lothlorien
Solinde: Stairways
Solinde: Butterfly iris
Solinde: Cyclamen
Solinde: Pink and name unknown
Solinde: Ceiling
Solinde: Lookout
Solinde: Romantique
Solinde: A bridge into the mud