kendiala: Demon
kendiala: Demon
kendiala: Demon
kendiala: Demon
kendiala: He tries to pretend he hates everyone, but we know about his secret love for Xena
kendiala: "Stop taking my picture!"
kendiala: The whole family (except Punk Ass Kid)
kendiala: The whole family (except Punk Ass Kid)
kendiala: The felines take over
kendiala: Asleep on his feet
kendiala: Demon - 1994 to 2007
kendiala: What I found in my inbox
kendiala: The sad little Demon
kendiala: "If I pretend to sleep, maybe you'll leave me alone."
kendiala: "Seriously, get that thing out of my face"
kendiala: Trying his best to ignore the camera, and failing
kendiala: Demon
kendiala: "I will give you the baleful glare until I get my way"
kendiala: "Does the stare make you uncomfortable?"
kendiala: Punk Ass Kid as backdrop for a punk ass cat
kendiala: Don't hate me because I'm beautiful
kendiala: Demon
kendiala: Getting ready to mess with Xena
kendiala: High Demon
kendiala: Doofy, big-eyed, owl-kitty
kendiala: Doofy, big-eyed, owl-kitty
kendiala: I knew no one would believe this