kendiala: "Jucy" Peaches
kendiala: Lake Tahoe
kendiala: Punk Ass Kid in Asbury Park
kendiala: A tree growing inside the ruined Ice Palace
kendiala: Hippy Killer
kendiala: Reminiscent
kendiala: The Ice Palace
kendiala: The Ruins of Asbury Park
kendiala: The Ice Palace
kendiala: Three
kendiala: Mother Nature finds Her way into the smallest cracks
kendiala: Greetings from Asbury Park
kendiala: CA SI No
kendiala: Wonder Bar
kendiala: Straight out of the Shining
kendiala: View from the bar
kendiala: The beautiful view from our "ocean view" room
kendiala: The beautiful view from our "ocean view" room
kendiala: The beautiful view from our "ocean view" room
kendiala: Medieval Times
kendiala: Medieval Times
kendiala: Green Ghosts
kendiala: Medieval Times
kendiala: Golden Gate Park
kendiala: What is it about me and photos of gulls?
kendiala: Three of a kind
kendiala: One of these things is not like the others
kendiala: So many sailboats
kendiala: Probably the closest I'll get to Alcatraz on this trip
kendiala: Patriotic gull