Ken's Photographic World: Squirrel Feeder
Ken's Photographic World: Squirrel Antics
Ken's Photographic World: Squirrel Feeding..2
Ken's Photographic World: Squirrel Eating
Ken's Photographic World: Another Squirrel
Ken's Photographic World: Squirrel on Ground
Ken's Photographic World: Squirrel Feeding his Face
Ken's Photographic World: Another Squirrel, on the Fence
Ken's Photographic World: Another @#!* Squirrel
Ken's Photographic World: Squirrel (1), by Will
Ken's Photographic World: Squirrel (2), by Will
Ken's Photographic World: Squirrel in a Caladium Pot
Ken's Photographic World: Froggy....the other side....
Ken's Photographic World: Furry friend and Feathered Friend...Together
Ken's Photographic World: Another bad boy!! (Squirrel)
Ken's Photographic World: Squirrel.......02-01-07
Ken's Photographic World: Squirrel...bad again.