TurasPhoto: denali
TurasPhoto: five-leafed bramble
TurasPhoto: alder flycatcher
TurasPhoto: chulitna river and denali
TurasPhoto: the talkeetna roadhouse
TurasPhoto: agaric mushroom
TurasPhoto: loon in byers lake
TurasPhoto: lycopodium close-up
TurasPhoto: sedge darner (Aeshna juncea)
TurasPhoto: morning light
TurasPhoto: river otter in thumb cove
TurasPhoto: heave!
TurasPhoto: stellar pose
TurasPhoto: on fox island
TurasPhoto: silver salmon
TurasPhoto: salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis)
TurasPhoto: at halibut cove
TurasPhoto: regatta from lands end
TurasPhoto: lake michigan shore
TurasPhoto: fern perch
TurasPhoto: white-breasted nuthatch
TurasPhoto: bull thistle
TurasPhoto: british soldier lichen
TurasPhoto: IT'S SPRING