Ken_Mayer: Pride Parade in Padova
Ken_Mayer: On the way to the AirBNB in Padova
Ken_Mayer: Mussolini Fascist relief and inscription commemorating this new addition to the Palazzo Bo
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Ken_Mayer: Sala Studio where I could consult a thesis
Ken_Mayer: Mussolini Fascist inscription and relief from above
Ken_Mayer: Famous alumni of the University of Padova
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Ken_Mayer: Padova market with a horse butcher in the Ragione Palace
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Ken_Mayer: 1930s Fascist renovation with new university motto Universa Universis Patavina Libertas
Ken_Mayer: Bottom of autopsy theater
Ken_Mayer: Bottom of autopsy theater
Ken_Mayer: Student clans, fraternities, and affinity groups
Ken_Mayer: Huge wooden horse in the medieval Padova Ragione Palace
Ken_Mayer: Huge wooden horse in the medieval Padova Ragione Palace
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Ken_Mayer: Fascist map honoring the dead in Italy's imperial conquests: Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, Libya, Albania
Ken_Mayer: Padova is a bike friendly town
Ken_Mayer: Padova Jewish museum (closed except for one day a week)
Ken_Mayer: Palazzo Moroni - Comune di Padova
Ken_Mayer: Cappella degli Scrovegni monk holding model of chapel
Ken_Mayer: Cappella degli Scrovegni last judgement
Ken_Mayer: Cappella degli Scrovegni - ira