Ken_Mayer: Finished with acrylic paint and added India ink
Ken_Mayer: Finished with acrylic paint and added India ink
Ken_Mayer: Varnishing the glued pieces
Ken_Mayer: After varnishing
Ken_Mayer: Bombard_page_printout01
Ken_Mayer: Bombard_page_printout02
Ken_Mayer: Bombard_page_printout03
Ken_Mayer: Bombard_page_printout04
Ken_Mayer: Bombard_page_printout06
Ken_Mayer: Bombard_page_printout05
Ken_Mayer: Bombard_page_printout07
Ken_Mayer: Bombard_page_printout08
Ken_Mayer: Finished tube bombarde case
Ken_Mayer: Finished first bombarde case
Ken_Mayer: Measuring sections with thick cardboard and thin blue cardboard that will be the base for velvet lining
Ken_Mayer: Measuring blue cardboard for velvet lining sections
Ken_Mayer: Velvet lining sections around thin cardboard
Ken_Mayer: Doing the velvet lining of the top
Ken_Mayer: Finishing up the velvet lining
Ken_Mayer: Aligning decorations on the bottom of the case.
Ken_Mayer: Finished bombarde case
Ken_Mayer: Finished bombarde case
Ken_Mayer: Finished bombarde case
Ken_Mayer: Finished bombarde case
Ken_Mayer: IMG_20210603_142715437
Ken_Mayer: IMG_20210603_142728551