Ken_Mayer: Out on the trails
Ken_Mayer: Out on the trails
Ken_Mayer: Out on the trails
Ken_Mayer: Out on the trails
Ken_Mayer: Cross country skiing
Ken_Mayer: Out on the trails
Ken_Mayer: Out on the trails
Ken_Mayer: Out on the trails
Ken_Mayer: Walking from our cabin to breakfast
Ken_Mayer: DSCN1397
Ken_Mayer: DSCN1398
Ken_Mayer: DSCN1399
Ken_Mayer: Waking up in the bunk beds
Ken_Mayer: four people in 2 bunk beds
Ken_Mayer: The Church of the Brethren
Ken_Mayer: The Church of the Brethren
Ken_Mayer: Alex sledding
Ken_Mayer: Alex gets some air
Ken_Mayer: Alex sledding
Ken_Mayer: Beth and Ken dancing
Ken_Mayer: Ken and Beth dancing
Ken_Mayer: dancing
Ken_Mayer: Cards
Ken_Mayer: Waltz
Ken_Mayer: Waltzing
Ken_Mayer: Waltzing
Ken_Mayer: Twirl or box the nat
Ken_Mayer: Ta-da!