ken_dozo: Zoltar
ken_dozo: Hot babes direct to you
ken_dozo: The biggest drink on the strip
ken_dozo: Dior
ken_dozo: I heart Vegas
ken_dozo: Chanel store
ken_dozo: crawling from the wreckage/slouching toward Bethlehem
ken_dozo: Whatever it is.. put the dial on 10
ken_dozo: Monuments
ken_dozo: L' art of draping the body
ken_dozo: Elvis meets the Big Boss Man
ken_dozo: Flamingo
ken_dozo: roulette
ken_dozo: down escalator
ken_dozo: go fetch
ken_dozo: retrun to sender
ken_dozo: Coca-Cola, Hollywood, Las Vegas Blvd
ken_dozo: Believers