Ken-ichi: California Prickly Phlox
Ken-ichi: Parry's Mallow Bud
Ken-ichi: Tyrant
Ken-ichi: There Were a Few Flowers
Ken-ichi: ...and a few more
Ken-ichi: Byron Larkspur
Ken-ichi: sodapopcoke
Ken-ichi: Little Bear
Ken-ichi: The Place to Be
Ken-ichi: Lytta Closeup
Ken-ichi: Thistle Sage
Ken-ichi: Corolla, Meet Carrizo
Ken-ichi: Howell's Onion?
Ken-ichi: Howell's Onion with Scale
Ken-ichi: Oh Gilia
Ken-ichi: Eveningsnow
Ken-ichi: Camp
Ken-ichi: Male Protolophus
Ken-ichi: Hanging Doom
Ken-ichi: Mysteria Fritillaria
Ken-ichi: Linanthus bicolor
Ken-ichi: Female (?) Protolophus
Ken-ichi: Things to Say
Ken-ichi: Microdino in Profile
Ken-ichi: All Ablaze
Ken-ichi: Purple Fire
Ken-ichi: Candle in Profile
Ken-ichi: Winner, Most Grizzly