Ken-ichi: Close-up of the nestcap
Ken-ichi: Detail of the Hericium
Ken-ichi: Stitched sunset
Ken-ichi: Yellow Foot
Ken-ichi: Pom-Pom Dorid
Ken-ichi: Show Off
Ken-ichi: Another Ancula for the Road
Ken-ichi: Blood Star
Ken-ichi: Fly Amanita
Ken-ichi: Pink Ramaria!
Ken-ichi: No Square Can Hold Me
Ken-ichi: But One of a Swarm
Ken-ichi: Razzle Dazzle
Ken-ichi: Umbrella Crab
Ken-ichi: The Flab
Ken-ichi: Wet Paint
Ken-ichi: Spaghetti Worm
Ken-ichi: Fearful Symmetry
Ken-ichi: Gently Now
Ken-ichi: In Them Thar Hills
Ken-ichi: Sound the Horn
Ken-ichi: Licker
Ken-ichi: Flowing Robes, Walking Man, Minbari War Cruiser
Ken-ichi: Luxe, Calme, et Volupté
Ken-ichi: Mount Diablo Jewelflower
Ken-ichi: Pipestem
Ken-ichi: Winecup Clarkia
Ken-ichi: In Memorium
Ken-ichi: Keeping it Natural
Ken-ichi: Spotted Coralroot