Ken-ichi: Beach at Bean Hollow
Ken-ichi: Unknown fish
Ken-ichi: Clingfish
Ken-ichi: Thickclaw Porcelain Crab?
Ken-ichi: Another shot of the spaghetti
Ken-ichi: Spaghetti Worm!
Ken-ichi: Valued far higher than two in the kelp
Ken-ichi: This is MY kelp
Ken-ichi: Smile!
Ken-ichi: Demonopod
Ken-ichi: Kinda Furry
Ken-ichi: Strawberry Anemones
Ken-ichi: Glam Diva!
Ken-ichi: Cuthona divae
Ken-ichi: Don't Jump!
Ken-ichi: Dendronotus frondosus
Ken-ichi: Nudibranch Eggs!
Ken-ichi: Show Off
Ken-ichi: Tree Back
Ken-ichi: White Morph of Dendronotus subramosus
Ken-ichi: Festive Triton Color Variation