Ken-ichi: Hedgehog Mushroom
Ken-ichi: Spineties!
Ken-ichi: Turkey tail
Ken-ichi: Strange bubblegum slime mold?
Ken-ichi: Yellow Foot
Ken-ichi: Western trillium
Ken-ichi: Head on
Ken-ichi: Ensatina
Ken-ichi: Unknown lichen
Ken-ichi: Horn of Plenty
Ken-ichi: More black trumpet
Ken-ichi: A horn in hand
Ken-ichi: Horn of Plenty habitat
Ken-ichi: More black chanterelle habitat
Ken-ichi: Horn of Plenty from under a log
Ken-ichi: Calypso
Ken-ichi: Calypso close-up
Ken-ichi: Calypso Orchid
Ken-ichi: Merten's Coralroot
Ken-ichi: Black katy
Ken-ichi: Gooseneck barnacles
Ken-ichi: Ocarina of Meat!