Keltez: Centurion Transport Hino FL 500.
Keltez: Centurion Transport Hino FL 500
Keltez: Centurion Transport / South West Express Hino GH 500 hybrid
Keltez: Schenker Hino FD x 2
Keltez: Hino 700 model 8 wheeler tipper
Keltez: Roadworks South Western Highway, between Yarloop and Cookernup
Keltez: Hino FD rigid stockcrate
Keltez: Hino PMC school bus
Keltez: Crazy galah!
Keltez: WAGR Leyland lion. Hino. Volvo G88
Keltez: Hino 700
Keltez: Hino
Keltez: Shire of Toodyay Hino FS 700 water truck
Keltez: Mainfreight Hino FG