keltanen: area consumer hell freezes over
keltanen: lobby
keltanen: yeah.. it's that thing
keltanen: the banality of evil
keltanen: the flyer
keltanen: seat 11k
keltanen: westfield
keltanen: view down bank of america
keltanen: kickass breakfast
keltanen: union square 6am
keltanen: welcome to 1972
keltanen: stupid transamerica building
keltanen: well ain't THAT the truth / ʇıɥsllnq llɐɔ ı 'ɹǝʌǝʇɐɥʍ
keltanen: some sort of.. thing.. ARGH i don't know! leave me alone
keltanen: the famous
keltanen: comparative agedashi
keltanen: view down california st
keltanen: bird @ bay bridge. dawn
keltanen: makin bucks for a nip fix
keltanen: ain't that the truth
keltanen: bug in the lens
keltanen: this way!
keltanen: ok, thanks